Breathing Tour Day 25 at Avondale Elementary



Unconditional Breath +

Unconditional Light +

Unconditional Acceptance +

Unconditional Joy =

Our Birthright. The right to Love and BE Loved.

The process of breathing lies at the center of every action and reaction we make. We can move toward a different reaction.

Each time we return to our breath we can feel the core of our response.

By refining and improving the quality of our breathing we can feel it’s positive impact on all aspects of our being.

We can breathe fully and wholly with the vitality we had as a newborn baby.

The Unconditional Breath.

Our whole body breathed. Every bone, muscle and organ moved with every breath. Every nerve was energized by it, every blood cell carried it, and every moment took as its meter the phrasing of the breath.

We felt the fullness of our breathing and the fullness of collective joy led by the first graders at Avondale Elementary.

Luckily, Lululemon Ponce City Market Managers Rhiannon Stone-Miller, Sam Carpenter and Emmy Fortunato AND Department of Education Health and Wellness Coordinator Mary Lauren Salvatore shared their unconditional Joy with us.

Their deep breathing inspired the children.

The children’s deep love inspired them.

Their presence inspired me.

Breath of Joy: Extend




The joy of full breathing!

We felt our negativity clear away in Washing Machine breath..

and more awake and alive in Wake Up Mountain..

Positive Energy is really heavy. Like gold.  Look at our muscles!

We brought it to our bellies, our hearts, our minds..

even our livers!

Lotus Breath was led by Jamelia Willis, first grade teacher. She facilitated a deep grounding unconditional love energy in all of us.

Beth Breit, PE Coach, shared her unconditional light with us. Our smiles grew and grew and GREW!

Connected deep breaths + deep hugs = Bliss!

On the Same Breath with Tiffanee Price’s class felt fluid and easeful. Her unconditional acceptance of each and every child was heartfelt.

Their focus + joy in breathing equaled immense calm.

In that calm state, the children shared their reflections. I took notes!

Rico: All 4 breaths help me calm down and not be so angry.

Keggale: All 4 breaths help me be good and not have to stand in a corner.

Aiden: Washing Machine Breath is fun. I like spinning.

Blake: Lotus Breath helps when I am upset or angry or really mad.

Spencer: Lotus Breath makes me feel better.

Jusiah: Breath Of Joy calms me down.

Jaquavius: The 4 breaths help me not talk too much or get in trouble.

Paris: All the breaths help and I like doing them every morning.

Noah: Wake Up Mountain helps me be right and be kind.

Victor: All the breaths help me color.

The children had so much to share about their habits-what they wanted to keep and what they wanted to clear.

How refreshing to witness the teacher and students moving toward more reflection, more changing negative habits to positive ones, more unity.

Avondale Elementary is a force of good. They even have a method for when things get out of hand! When there’s too much reaction and not enough response. They take ownership.

We combined this Avondale Way of STOP (arms out, fingers up)

THINK (point to mind, and SELF_CORRECT (roll hands forward) with breath.



Ms. Willis’s students shared their Deep Breath Initiative Journaling.  I’ll be posting on instagram. Here’s a glimpse of some of their art:


Thank you for this day. Thank you Beth for bringing Georgia Breathes to Avondale Elementary and inviting us to breathe with you all.

Thank you Lululemon Ponce City Market and Georgia Board of Education  for your support. For your connection.

Thank you Kelly Marie Truitt for your beautiful photos that capture the essence of connecting our breath with each other. Your unconditional breath and your unconditional love is felt and appreciated and reciprocated.


Thank you Ms. Nimmon’s for sharing your Cool Down Room!

May we all have a cool down space in both our inner and outer homes.

And it that room, may unconditional breath reign.

May we know our right to love and be loved. Unconditional acceptance. Unconditional Breath.

Breathe Free,

Lady Inhale

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