Here Ye, Here Ye . . .

On the Same Breath is calling on Noble Community Partners to join us on this quest to connect schools to the wisdom of deep breathing.

 To revolutionize classrooms by breaking the shackles of our undignified habits we’ve entrenched from the emotional commotional energies we’ve all caught.

To Rise Up Rooted and Get It Together with the power of our breath.


Why should you join us?

When you become one of our Noble Community Partners, YOU help create a new generation of deep breathers who spend their breath currency solving problems, thinking creatively and compassionately, and being conscious of the impact their words and actions have on their community so they will seek to be noble in word and deed.


Do you desire to build a conscious community and a legacy of excellence for future deep breathers?

Email us at: LadyInhale@OnTheSameBreath.org

Let's Breathe Together

May we all be truly equal in the wealth of the breath currency.

 May we choose to spend our breaths wisely. Spend them lovingly. Spend them passionately. Spend them generously.