Banking On Breath

Breath is our most valuable guide, our treasured sage, our truest currency.

Can we invest in our breath earnings and spend our breath wisely?

Can we create connections with the other breath investors?

Can we share what gives us room to breathe?

Untying the breath

Tight bodies,

Tight schedules,

can literally take our breath away.

We practice the breathing ventures for 40 days so we can loosen the grip on our bodies and minds and know by heart what gets our breath flowing.  


Is your breath in detention?

On restriction?

In a holding pattern?

How are you preventing the breath from entering and leaving your body freely?

 Breathe With Numbers works to encode rhythm and resilience.

 Breathe With Motion works to synchronize whole brain communication.

Wondrous Worry works to free what's blocking your innate joy.

Active Anger works to dislodge excess anger.

Direct Deposit the Pause.

Inhalation is born out of the stillness of the pause.

Exhalation dissolves into it.

Pause is a well, a resource that is always available to you.

Tuning into your breath before and after your breathing venture helps access the valuable asset of the pause.

Breathing is the most readily available resource for creating and sustaining your vital energy.

To become a welcome vessel for the breath is to live life without trying to control, grasp, or push away.

The process of breathing is the most accurate metaphor we have for the way that we personally approach life, how we live our lives, and how we react to the inevitable changes that life brings us.

Ready to add a venture to your life?


Is breathing just a respiratory exchange?

Pneuma  is an ancient greek word for breath AND for spirit or soul. 

Spiritus is the latin word for breath AND spirit and wind.

Inspiration literally means to breathe in. 

Expiration means to breathe out.

The Chinese character for breath consists of three different characters that mean "of the conscious self or heart."

Ki in Japanese means both air and spirit.

Breath Investors are sharing how the 4 breaths for 40 days have inspired them to focus more on matters of the heart. Their relationships to themselves, their families, friends and others in their spheres have deepened in authentic connection.

Revel in the radiance of reclaiming your breath.

Respecting the Rhyme and Rhythm of your breath,

The Rhyme and Rhythm of each other’s breath,

Rocking and Rolling with the Revelation of this Revolution.

Revel in the Research

Restored respiratory patterns:

The stress response thereby increasing oxygen to the hippocampus and reducing the size of the amygdala

Strengthens focus and attention

Promotes brain integration

Fosters deeper and better sleep by releasing physical, mental and emotional tension

Strengthens self-awareness

Let's Bank On Our Breath Together

May we all be truly equal in the wealth of the breath currency.

May we choose to spend our breaths wisely. Spend them lovingly. Spend them passionately. Spend them generously.