

In December of 2017 while driving from Orlanda Florida to Atlanta Georgia, Lady Inhale received a download to curate 4 breaths for 40 days for the schools of Georgia. With the wisdom of her childrens' council and the generous help of Lululemon;s #HereToBe Grant,  Georgia Breathes launched August 2018 in 40 schools throughout the state.

We Began with the Wondrous Worries Venture

4 Breaths in 40 schools for 40 days.

The power of the breath connected the minds and bodies.

 The power of the noble teachers connected students to each other.

and the power of the royal students connected classrooms state wide. Nation wide. World wide.

We breathed together.


Progress To Success 

Students not only learned 4 breaths in 40 days, empowering them to break through negative blocks and create new habits-they led them as well. To each other, to PTA meetings, to faculties, to their families and neighborhoods.  Each breath in the Wondrous Worries Venture was declared extremely accessible, easy-to-learn, and  non-confrontational and fun.

Less Worries Less Hurries

The schools practiced the powerful set daily in their classroom. They committed with their students to repeat their new, uplifting habits for 40 days and saw for themselves incredible shifts. By breathing together at the same time each day, allowing their biorhythms to set the new frequency-they increased their breath literacy and declared they were continuing on for the rest of the year!


In reality, Practicality

Based on science and research, it takes 40 days to create a habit and break through negative mental blocks. The Art of Radical Respiration offers specific practices to adjust undesirable habits. This allows transformation, renewal, repair and regeneration individually and as a classroom/family/business unit. 


Harnessing Shouts and Pouts


Lady Inhale toured schools in Georgia. The request for a quest to move from anger to action was received and ventured. 

This venture was in general more of a challenge. Shouts and pouts that were habitually suppressed for most of the breath investors fired up to transmute into action. That can be uncomfortable and confronting. Those that stuck with it and infused the breaths with inner lyrics had profound positive shifts.

Oni Anger Management

Don't Despair, Clear the Air

Breathe with Motion was curated by Lady Inhale to share how to shift into synchrony with the breath and inner lyric and stride. Breathe with Numbers was designed to share how to count on your breath to rhythmically nourish in a structured foundation.  


Wow What Now

Dr. Erin Mason and her team continue their royal research on the quests.

Lady Inhale and her council of children and artists and deep breath investors continue to share the wisdom of the deep breath collections.


Lady Inhale and Siana laughing