Breathing Tour Day 24 with John Lewis Invictus Academy

X 3 Foundation welcomed us into their after school program at John Lewis Invictus Academy. They provide high-quality athletic extracurricular programs which of course includes boxing.

Cool and inspirational attributes are written on the wall for middle schoolers to choose from.

We tuned into our breath print, and chose a mantra to infuse with the rhythm of our breath. That way we each had sovereignty over our personal mind-body-breath connection.


Breath of Joy fueled us from the inside out.


Washing Machine Breath cleared out negative energy that needed to go.

Wake Up Mountain woke up our courage, our commitment and our motivation.

It takes deep powerful breaths to be warriors and revolutionaries. And it felt like the room was full of them.

Lotus Breath rooted us down into a calm state so we could rise up and connect to our specific gift of warriorship.

Rhythmic breathing helped us sense where the energy needed to move. It can be subtle and challenging to determine where we are tired and can use the energy we created to replenish.


An invitation to rest eyes and focus on the breath can be quite challenging for all of us as well.

If we command the way the energy moves throughout the day, that means when we exert, we exert!  When we relax, we relax.

That’s the rhythm of a true warrior, a true revolutionary. We have command of our parasympathetic nervous system.

We tap into the reserve of strength when we want to be able to handle life, when we want to lead,

We learn to breathe deeper. Rest. Train ourselves to relax.

As warriors, we are strong enough to be soft; powerful enough to be open; steadfast enough to slow down; and relaxed enough to appreciate life – just as it is.

Especially right after a deep breathing practice!


it’s no longer a luxury to practice the art of breathing, the art of warriorship, we have to practice so we can hold ourselves in our own rhythmic currency, our baseline frequency of touching in every day.

We need more revolutionaries in our schools and our youth are poised for this greatness.

Thank you Matt and Jessica of  X 3 Foundation for breathing with us and for inspiring your students to connect to their breathing as well.

Thank you Kelly Truitt for capturing their revolutionary warriorship and for boxing with me!

Thank you Luke for donating a breathing kit to this fine organization.


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