Breathing Tour Day 23 with Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology


Dr. Lauren Phillips welcomed us into her visual arts classroom where her guidance makes quite a creative impact.

We tuned into our inner states and worked to befriend our anxiety.


Anxiety is a pesky part of us. It’s like a family member we have to live with.

When we numb, resist, distract from its impact on us, it creates even more of an issue as it spirals downward and gets bigger.  It may even have a tantrum.

Out of control and demanding our attention, it can be compared to a 2 year old who feels overwhelmed, unseen, and unheard.

We can learn to listen to it, deeply listen. And see what it has to teach us.

Anxiety gets to be part of the art process,  part of the journey, part of our day.
Knowing that it is on the same spectrum as joy, we can redirect our energy away from spiraling out of control into creating. Into productivity.


We surround our anxiousness with deep, full breaths. Breaths of Joy!  The spacious breaths help anxiety feel comforted and less bloated.

We release and wash out the stains it left behind.

And wash in the energy of listening. Listening to our breath, to our anxiety, to our heart.

We may find closing our eyes tunes us in deeper.

Or smiling helps lift our chest to receive more breath.

We wake up our heart…

Our intuition and imagination.

Our voice, our bridge between heart and mind.

We root down into our gifts and talents and rise up as we connect to our inner radiance.

To each others splendor as well. The pulsation of our connected creativity brings more beauty into the world.

We connect to create. We create to connect.

We listen so intently to our breath that we begin to draw with it. A co-creation.

We see our breaths’ unique rhythm and pattern.


We draw our adorable Anxiety!  Maybe even appreciate its offerings. Its voice. Its teachings.

Thank you Dr. Phillips for inviting us into your sacred classroom.  Your enthusiasm and joy of teaching uplifted us!

Thank you dear art students for being on the same breath with us.

For sharing your practice and your art.

Your attention and your feedback.

Your art is your attention and you all have a profound art OF attention.

Thank you for that.

Thank you for asking for my autograph.

and for asking for a group picture!

May your breaths be big and your anxiety become adorable.  Keep listening and honing your art.

Breathe free,

Lady Inhale

Thank you, Kelly Truitt for your art. You truly captured the beauty of the group.

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