Breathing Tour Day 17 at The Galloway School


We were welcomed onto the stage of The Galloway School. A school where curiosity, creativity and collaboration prevail.

where they go deep into the breathing initiative..


and deep into their studies.


Students explore, inquire, play, and discover their inner world…

and the outer world

This years outerworld Happening is India. I  got to share the value of the  breathing techniques I learned there.

Breathing helps us be aware of our habits. We can notice the ones we want to keep and the wants we want to change.


We cannot stop a habit, we can only replace a habit.

How do we do this exchange?

Our Diaphragm is the key. It’s the motion between our chest and our abdomen.

And between our heart and our gut.

We can hold our Diaphragm very firm to avoid connection. We can hold onto our unresolved emotional issues, the ones we don’t deal with. We can not let ourselves cry or laugh. We can blame others. This leads to rigidity.

Or we can relax our Diaphragm. We can welcome our breath. We can connect to each other.

Our Diaphragm contains the largest muscle group. It’s meant to be the most fluid, not rigid.

It’s supposed to be more like a large jellyfish than a board.

How do we get it more fluid like a jellyfish?

We can allow ourselves to cry. We can allow others to cry. Crying expresses the hearts needs.



Or laugh. Laughing expresses the hearts joy.

The mechanism our body uses in order to dislodge the stiffness, to send energy through the nerves, the main nerve center to send it through to be shaken is right above our belly button.

It’s our truth button.

That’s where we feel the truth.




The truth that can be found in forests where everything co-exists.

Where Birch trees support the Maples.

Maples support the Sugarberries.

Sugarberries support the grasses.

What is going on in the planet feels strange to us. We don’t feel physically powerful enough to overcome it.

Cause we are not supposed to overcome it physically.

We’re supposed to overcome it vibrationally.

We can establish a greater way.

We can wash out what is not true.


We can create positive energy in our gut brains, in our heart brains and in our head brains.

We can train our head brain to follow our gut and heart brains. We can connect them all through our awareness of our breath.

And then we can look for something or someone to help.

Thank you Dearest Juana Farfán for inviting us to your exquisite school. Your loving spirit is contagious and we are still basking in it’s afterglow.

Thank you Galloway School for sharing your breath and your studies with us. You are embedded in our hearts.

Deep Breaths,

Lady Inhale

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