Breathing Tour Day 13 at Woodward Academy

There are certain teachers who have that spark.

Who not only have the glow in their eyes, and a warmth of their presence, there is an uncommon wisdom in their teaching.

Thank you Un Jung Lee for welcoming us into your art class and infusing it with deep breaths and deep teachings about how breath affects brainwaves. AND creating an exquisite art project to tie it all together.

Deep Breathing is an Art.

Deep Breathing is also a science. Here we practice Breath of Joy to fill up with positivity.

Science teaches at the nucleus of our being is pure energy. It is the energy of love, of bliss.

If we can clear out that which is obstructing this energy, everything changes. 

We twist to the left and wash in clarity and twist to the right and wash out stains of negativity.


This is the call for the deep breathers to stand up- now more than ever, your heart, your presence, your positive POWER is needed.

Bring it IN to your heart, your belly, your mind..

The TRUE Deep Breathers are the ones who take a stand for PEACE- they speak and stand up for those who cannot do so for themselves. They are the ones who do whatever it takes to create bring more INTEGRITY, more HARMONY, and more LOVE into our world.

A Deep Breather is CONFIDENT but HUMBLE, COMPOSED but FIERCE and lives their life with an open heart, full of grace and compassion.

We practice Lotus Breath as an action to root down into what we stand for and rise up with compassion and connection.

We create art. The deeper the breath, the more fluid and strong the lines.

We learned how Breath affects one’s heart rate and neural activity. As part of their unit in studying Abstract Expressionism, art students learned about #cytwombly’s line repetitive line drawings and incorporated them into artful interpretations of their own breathing and thought patterns before and after conscious, mindful breathing.

Students created their line drawings and included reflections about how focusing on breathing leads to increased focus on activities and a general sense of relation, peace and increased well-being

Thank you Un Jung Lee’s 4th grade art students for breathing and creating with us.

Thank you Woodward Academy for the opportunity to share in your excellence, your inclusivity and your service.

Thank you Luke of Lululemon for connecting your breath and creativity with us. We are honored to be your #heretobe partner.

Thank you Wally of Kelley Sue Photography for capturing our time together.

Lady Inhale


  1. Sherry Smith on November 1, 2018 at 1:56 pm


    I recently read an article about your initiative!! I am so encouraged by this effort!

    The town where I was raised, Marianna, Florida, was devastated by Hurricane Michael — one of the top five strongest hurricanes when it hit land. Three weeks following the hurricane, people are struggling, financially, physically, and mentally. I would embrace the opportunity to get trained in the techniques you offer teachers, and be able to pass this along to some of the teachers in Jackson County Florida. After weeks of mustering a “can do” attitude, many residents are falling into despair. Perhaps some of the teachers in Georgia who live close to the Florida pandhandle would even be willing to offer a day to educated teachers in Jackson County? My email address is: and my phone number is 404-314-7713. With sincere appreciation, Sherry Smith

  2. Sherry Smith on November 1, 2018 at 1:57 pm

    The town where I was raised, Marianna, Florida, was devastated by Hurricane Michael — one of the top five strongest hurricanes when it hit land. Three weeks following the hurricane, people are struggling, financially, physically, and mentally. I would embrace the opportunity to get trained in the techniques you offer teachers, and be able to pass this along to some of the teachers in Jackson County Florida. After weeks of mustering a “can do” attitude, many residents are falling into despair. Perhaps some of the teachers in Georgia who live close to the Florida pandhandle would even be willing to offer a day to educated teachers in Jackson County? My email address is: and my phone number is 404-314-7713. With sincere appreciation, Sherry Smith

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